
Discover Stage Summary


Discover Stage Summary

The Discover Stage of the project ran from December 2023 to June 2024. It was an exciting few months raising awareness of the project and having really valuable conversations with the community of Elderslie. 


This stage is all about listening and understanding what the community of Elderslie think about Main Road as it currently is. We did this through various ways such as online and paper surveys, conversations with the community at our launch event, 1-2-1 meetings with businesses and local groups and workshops with Wallace Primary. 

Commissioned Surveys

We also commissioned various surveys to get quantitative data, such as traffic speed and volume, junction turning counts and route user intercept surveys, which provides us with a thorough understanding of how Main Road is currently operating. 

Public Life Survey

We conducted a Public Life Survey which looks into the social activity happening in public spaces. This allows us to see how people currently interact with Main Road and helps us to understand what changes might be beneficial. 

Read more about what we did and found out in the document below. 

Check out what we did during the Discover Stage

Document image preview
Elderslie_Discover Stage Engagement Summary.pdf
Document image preview
Elderslie Public Life Survey Results.pdf

The results of what we found out and the Design Objectives can be read here. Let us know what you think of them or if we have missed anything.

Children standing in a line on grass holding up paper with happy or sad faces
Blue pin board with a map of Elderslie and questions with answers on post it notes.
A outdoor banner attached to a railing on Elderslie National Cycle Network entrance
People standing in the street looking at dropped kerbs during a street accessibility audit
A green gazebo with people underneath talking
People huddled together in a circle looking at nature