
Central Area of Main Road


Developing Design Solutions for the Central Area of Main Road

Fill out this short survey to let us know what you would like to see in this area of Main Road, from after Glenpatrick Road junction up to the side road leading to Stoddard Square car park, including Stoddard Square and the Old Swimming Pool area.

Map of the central area of Main Road that the following questions cover.

Please focus your answers on solutions. 

You can refer back to the design objectives and what we have learnt so far

What have we learnt about this area?

  • Narrow pavement in front of The Inn, aggravated by the bus stop and bin
  • Stoddard Square the “hub” of the village. Benches and flowers are appreciated.
  • Old swimming pool area mentioned the most as an area for placemaking opportunities
  • Connections for pedestrians could be improved from the north side of Main Road to Stoddard Square
  • Pedestrians don’t feel safe with cyclists cycling on the pavement. 
  • Cyclists don’t feel safe cycling on the road without protected and segregated cycle lane
  • Pavement parking and parking in the cycle lane observed

Wallace Primary School pupils react to Stoddard Square; it was the area they felt most safe in. The improvements the children suggested for Stoddard Square were: a shelter, zebra crossing, more plants and “a really big tree”, and more “amusing stuff”. 



These questions focus on accessibility, making Main Road more accessible for everyone including people with disabilities, additional mobility needs and people using wheelchairs, mobility scooters and buggies. 

63% of respondents to our survey disagreed or strongly disagreed that Main Road is accessible to disabled people and those with additional mobility needs.



Public Spaces

These questions focus on improving the attractiveness of Elderslie and celebrating Ellerslie's local identity by enhancing public spaces and improving wayfinding. 

Improvements suggested during the Discover Stage were more places to sit and socialise, more greenery, improved lighting and better links to Elderslie's history and heritage. 


Road Space

These questions focus on Road Space in the hope to formalise road space to control speeds and allow appropriate space for loading, public transport, blue badge holders (and potentially parking) on Main Road, whilst preserving a two-way carriageway. 

We also hope to increase the legibility of Glenpatrick Road junction for all users, with a neutral impact on congestions. 

The surveys we conducted told us that 15,000 vehicles were counted travelling on Main Road per day, with 57% of these vehicles going over 30mph speed limit when entering or exiting Elderslie (east). 

Main hazards raised: pedestrians intimidated by volume and speed of traffic, cyclists confused by the awkward layout of the infrastructure and motorists highlighted hazardous behaviour at the junction.


Pavement Safety

These questions focus on mitigating the existing conflict between people walking, wheeling, cycling and accessing public transport along Elderslie's Main Road. 

The designs will follow the Sustainable Hierarchy of Transport. This is a concept that places those road users most at risk in the event of a collision at the top of hierarchy. It promotes sustainable, affordable and active modes as opposed to single occupancy car use.

People walking and wheeling are placed at the top of the pyramid below, followed by people cycling, public transport, taxis and shared transport and then private car at the bottom.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey focussing on the central section of Main Road. 

Please press ‘Next’ to submit your response, then you will be directed to complete our other surveys, thank you.

This engagement phase has finished

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